We’re Engineering New Zealand : : Te Ao Rangahau – a membership organisation driven to bring engineering to life, so our members can engineer better lives for New Zealanders.
As New Zealand’s professional body for engineers, we represent you – over 23,000 engineers.

Ngā mihi nui
It’s my pleasure to provide you, our members, with our Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau report for the year to 30 September 2022.
This year, the Board and member representatives set about testing our strategy. We embarked on a ‘Black Room’ exercise, looking at four plausible scenarios of the future to understand what we might have to do – and how our profession may need to change to realise a vision to 2050
The Board accepted the strategic foresighting statement and work is underway to set the roadmap to reach our vision.
An immediate step was to update our strategy and you’ll see this visually come to life as you read on.
Finally, I want to thank all who’ve volunteered their expertise and time for Engineering New Zealand this year. Most often, members interact with branches and groups, which are run by volunteers. But our entire professional organisation depends on volunteers, from committees that support our complaints and disciplinary processes, along with our advisor committees.
I personally want to thank immediate past president Rosalind Archer for leaving our governance in such a good place, and I aim to pay it forward when my term ends.
Dr Tim Fisher, CPEng FEngNZ

Kia ora koutou
I’m now into my third year leading Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau and have enjoyed meeting and collaborating with you, our members. Your knowledge and foresight helps us design solutions to progress the profession’s interests.
We've laid the foundations for Kimihia Rangahaua, our strategy to embrace Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) into our work, our organisation, and the engineering profession. In making our profession more inclusive towards Māori, we hope it'll become more attractive to Māori, who are under-represented among us. In early 2023 we launched the foundational story, as well as a learning module on Te Tiriti o Waitangi, to help engineers understand how our profession honours its relationship with tangata whenua.
Engineering Climate Action is one of our organisational objectives and flagship programmes. This year, we made submissions on the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) report Te hau mārohi ki anamata, Transitioning to a low-emissions and climate-resilient future, Transforming recycling (MfE) and the draft National Adaptation Plan (MfE). Our free Climate Conversations webinar series has proved valuable to members, and we'll continue with these.
Towards the end of 2022 we reconfigured our functions into six groups: Member Services, Regulation, Global, Strategy, Promotion and Digital, and People and Finance. Clustering regulatory functions for members and Chartered Professional Engineers was a key driver, as was the need for broader functions to better support our new strategy. We expect these changes to position us well to accommodate any decisions from Government’s proposals for occupational regulation.
My thanks to you, for your support of Engineering New Zealand. Thanks also to the Board for their guidance and staff for their delivery.
Dr Richard Templer, FEngNZ
Chief Executive

Technically skilled, credible, trusted and valued by the communities they serve and live in.

Nationally and internationally linked with the profession, allied disciplines, government and communities.

Champions of the sustainable change needed to solve society's and the planet's complex challenges.

Building a diverse, equitable and inclusive profession where everyone is equipped to succeed.
Professional regulation
Changes to the CPEng process and legislation increase public confidence and hold the profession to appropriate standards.
Engaged members
Members are connected and growing professionally and technically.
Climate action
Engineers, stakeholders and the wider industry are supported to take informed positive action to respond to climate change.
Change makers
Te Tiriti, diversity, equity, inclusion and innovation are central to equipping our profession, and fostering future engineers.
"In 2050 Engineering New Zealand is a sophisticated, global focussed, pan-engineering membership organisation that has made a significant positive contribution to the realisation of the transformed post-Anthropocene environment. Engineering New Zealand is recognised as the premium post-Anthropocene engineering organisation and its engineer members are fully engaged with the complex nature of society's and the planet's challenges with respect to climate change, carbon sequestration, energy supply, resilience, environmental rehabilitation, economic circularity, a secure food system, and a balanced and equitable world, devoid of human division, poverty, famine and war."


membership queries answered

180 professional development activities (in-person, online and in-house) with 2,148 participants

34 Fellows
3 Distinguished Fellows

Member complaints:
33 open, 38 closed
223 branch events and 15,089 registrants
272 group events and 31,548 registrants

34 engineers contracted as subject matter experts for government-commissioned projects

Rocket Challenge delivered to 555 schools and
16,650 students
Our Board is responsible for the governance and strategic direction of Engineering New Zealand. It’s made up of four senior office holders and six members, and operates according to our Rules and Board Charter.